How Long Will It Take to Settle My Car Accident Case?

How Long Will It Take to Settle Your Personal Injury Case? 

In a survey conducted between 2015 and 2020, found that the average time it took for an injury victim to receive a car accident settlement was ten months. I’ve been a personal injury attorney in Florida since 2007, and I’ve been handling personal injury cases for injury victims exclusively since 2008. In my sixteen years of experience, I agree that ten months sounds about right for most car accident cases. While it’s not uncommon for my office to settle injury cases presuit (meaning before a lawsuit is filed) anywhere from 3-9 months after the crash, we also have cases that go into litigation (meaning we have to file a lawsuit and start litigating the case) that have gone on from 1, 2 and even 3 or more years. 

What Affects the Length of Time It Will Take to Settle Your Car Accident Case?

Each case is different and the timeline of exactly how long it will take to settle your personal injury case is effected by many different factors, including your injuries, your treatment, your medical bills and lost wages, and whether or not you’re willing to allow your attorney to file a lawsuit and litigate your case. Oftentimes, clients who push for a “quick” settlement discover that a quick settlement may not be the best settlement, as money is often left on the table when they fail to take the time to get the appropriate medical tests and treatment. Attorney Chelsie M. Lamie and her team at Florida Injury Attorneys (main office Clearwater, but serving all Floridians in every city across the state), suggest that clients do not push for a quick settlement and instead take the time to obtain a proper diagnosis and undergo all recommended treatment so that they can experience a complete, or as close to complete recovery as possible, and to ensure that all medical expenses are properly captures to that they receive the best compensation for their injuries.  

In the end, the best person to advise you on how long your case is going to take to resolve is the personal injury attorney you hire to represent you! Only they will know the intimate details of your particular case and your objectives when it comes to settlement of your claim.  

Talk to an Attorney!