St. Pete’s Dangerous Intersections: 28th St N and 1st Ave N

St. Petersburg residents have had it up to here with accidents on the intersection of 28th St. N and 1st Ave. N. The corner consists of a one-way road, a busy two-way road, and three traffic lights, and it happens to be the site of 21 crashes since 2013, prompting locals to demand better infrastructure.

The busy corridor of US-19 intersecting with 1st Ave. N is dangerous, and according to the St. Petersburg Intersection Public Safety Program, it has a high frequency of red-light running crashes. Pinellas County may be able to reduce the number of red-light running crashes by creating All-Red Clearance Intervals. These intervals occur when all lights at an intersection are red for a certain amount of time, clearing the intersection before any vehicle in the intersection gets a green light. This method is used in intersections where motorists tend to blow red lights.

Fortunately, St. Petersburg locals have been heard in their call for help and city engineers have begun researching a solution to the troublesome intersection. Nevertheless, the city is still fraught with dangerous intersections.

The City of St. Petersburg is firmly dedicated to maintaining and improving the transportation system for the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services. In pursuit of this goal, the City consistently evaluates and monitors the transportation system in search of deficiencies that may be remedied through maintenance and enhancement programs.

We encourage you to use this tool to check out intersections near your home and/or work: 

Attorney Chelsie M. Lamie is a personal injury attorney located in Safety Harbor, Florida.  Please call 727-501-3464 for a free consultation.  You can also learn more about Attorney Lamie at

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